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Sleep Apnea Types, OSA, Sleep Study, CPAP Machine, OSA, Anti Snoring Insomia Doha Qatar

Types of Sleep Apnea?


here are three primary types of sleep apnoea:


1) Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA):


OSA is the most prevalent form of sleep apnoea, constituting 84% of sleep apnea diagnoses. In most cases of OSA, the air passage to the lungs becomes obstructed, typically due to a blockage in the upper airway, such as the nose or throat.


The obstruction may result from:


  • Muscles relaxing excessively during sleep, impeding sufficient air passage.

  • The weight of the neck narrowing the airway.

  • Inflamed tonsils or other temporary factors.

  • Structural issues, such as the shape of the nose, neck, or jaw.


2) Central Sleep Apnoea (CSA):


CSA is relatively rare, often associated with certain pain management drug therapies like opioids, heart failure, or brain-related conditions such as stroke, brain tumor, viral brain infection, or chronic respiratory disease.

In CSA, the airway remains open, but breathing stops due to a lack of effort to breathe. This occurs when the communication between the brain and the body breaks down, halting the automatic breathing process. Individuals with CSA may not snore, making the condition sometimes challenging to detect.


Notably, CSA is prevalent in cases of heart failure, with up to one in four patients affected. CSA in heart failure often follows a specific pattern known as Cheyne-Stokes Respiration (CSR), characterized by abnormal, cyclical breathing patterns that include deeper and sometimes faster breaths followed by a temporary cessation of breathing (apnoea). Together, CSA and CSR are termed CSA-CSR, occurring in 30 to 50% of people with heart failure.


3) Mixed Sleep Apnoea:


This type is a combination of both OSA (where there is a blockage or obstruction in the upper airway) and CSA (where no effort is made to breathe). If you suspect you may have any form of sleep apnoea, it is crucial to consult your doctor for further evaluation and guidance. for mor einformation please visit



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